Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Live like you're dying

I just saw this on the net:,2933,312318,00.html
Absolutely heartbreaking....I can't imagine what this man is going through, but I think at this time of year, it's especially important to be thankful for my family and friends and never never take them for granted...any one of us can go at any time...I love Gracie and Todd with all my heart and it scares me to think that they could be taken from me....just makes ya think about saying screw the petty stuff in life and focus on what's important. I think the holidays have truly lost their meaning and it is my goal to make them how they SHOULD be for my family.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Sick baby

Well, my little munchkin has a severe ear infection, on top of the cold she already has...she's downright pitiful. I think she is feeling better now that her meds are starting to kick in. Yesterday she woke up at 4am and and cried and cried as she was trying to fall back asleep laying by me in our bed. I said, okay enough is enough and took her to the doc...let's hope this gets nipped in the bud soon. Anyway, I haven't blogged in a while because I am without a pc at home {I'm at work right now workin' hard, can ya tell?} Well that's all for now folks.