Saturday, December 13, 2008
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...
I love this time of year...My Grandma is busy making all sorts of candies to hand out to everyone, the radio is playing Christmas music, there is snow on the makes me feel all cozy and warm. Now all I need to do is get started shopping! I think that's when you know you've grown up when you would rather buy and give for others than receive. I haven't bought much yet since I just started a new job but by this time next week I plan on being done and have everything wrapped and under the tree. My tree is so pretty this year, I'm really proud of it. So much has changed since my last post...I am still in West Virginia and Gracie and I have a new apartment and a car...which is a total p.o.s by the way...I have a special someone but not real sure where it's headed...lord knows I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve and this time around I am trying to use my head. It's complicated so I won't go there. Too much he said she said and family disapproval and I'm just aggravated with the whole shebang. So that's all for now and I'll try to post more for those friends who actually read this and want to know what's going on in my life.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Broken Record Player
That's what I'm beginning to sound like. I am moving AGAIN!!! It's a little ridiculous at this point. Todd and me, yeah, not so much. Me and Baby G are mid-pack right now and leave out Saturday in the am. Fun stuff let me tell you. Let's just hope we can keep all our teeth!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Packing sucks!
I am so excited! We are getting out of this house-finally! Yeah I know we just moved in here late February-but I have hated it since the day we moved in! So we are going back to our "redneck roots" and moving into a trailer! WOOHOO!!! LOL Only in Alabama, right? Cool thing is, it's the biggest one they make and it's a NEW one. Siding and shingled roof with a huge covered porch and a HUGE yard...Gracie will appreciate that!!! She has NOWHERE to play at this house and cries because she wants to go outside all the time-but all we can do is take her on the porch or go to the park....Granted, we are moving way out in Semmes but we are saving over 200 in rent, it's all electric so there will be no gas bill {which HAS been running us 100-130 bucks a month} and the water is on a pump so bye bye water bill! SWEET!Not to mention, they ripped out all the carpet and put down ceramic tile, it has been stripped of ugly wallpaper and painted neutral blues and browns, it has the kitchen cabinets that look like stained glass, a garden tub and walk-in shower, 3 BR/2 BA, on its own lot, and a HUGE walk in closet!!!! I can't tell you how happy I am but man do I drea moving all our shit. Now for the fun part....PACKING. Ugh.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Ponder this
Sometimes I find myself wondering "is there more to this life"?...I think that's the age old question. I sit and wonder if, when I was a little girl, if this is what I would have pictured for myself...what I wanted. The answer is different for everyone...some days I think..NO!!! It's not! I never wanted to be broke and overweight with a broke down car and a crappy rental house. Those are the bad days. Luckily, they are few and far between...Then I snap out of it and realize...hey! Wake up! You're in fairly good health, you have a roof over your head, your family is close by and you have the sweetest baby girl in the world. Reality check, sister. People have far less than you. Then that little sneaky voice comes in with "some have far more, too..." I try my damnedest to ignore that little bitch who rubs things in my face. {my conscience..} Reading back over this, I am starting to wonder if doc should up my zoloft!!!! HAHA
Monday, March 10, 2008
Tummy trouble
OMG all I can say is DON'T EAT KRYSTALS!!!! I have felt like pure t. dogshit since we ate it day before yesterday...never again!! I'm still not feelin' this house or my new job so I am kinda down in the dumps right now. I'll write again when the sun comes out.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
New place, new troubles.
Sorry I haven't written in a while. Needless to say, been pretty dang busy lately. We moved into a new house. Stop that, reverse it: we moved into a DIFFERENT house. Where we WERE living was NEW. Yeah you could say I'm a little bitter. It's been pure BULLSHIT since day one. Let me start from the beginning. The landlords tell us that they want the house back on the market. They aren't willing to wait until our lease is up in June and they add that the rent will go up 300 bucks at that time should we choose to renew it. Grrr. So we decide we will go ahead and relocate since we will have the money because of our tax refund. So I look and look and get a newspaper every morning trying to beat someone else to my dream house {in my price range, it ain't happenin'} And nothing comes up that isn't a dump or way too far out of town. A guy I work with says, hey I just moved out of an awesome house, it's still empty the landlord wants me to find a renter yada yada. He makes it sound like it is just THE shit, three bedrooms two full baths, an insanely huge living room and an equally large dining room. He draws me a layout on a piece of paper and I'm sold. It's right in town, convenient, and meets my specs on bed/baths. I call the landlord and he never answers, I leave messages, etc. Should have taken it as a little hint from fate to NOT FRIGGEN RENT IT. A week and a half later, his so-called secretary returns my call. I tell her that we are interested and she tells my coworker to go ahead and give me the key. I am so excited because although the rent is barely in my budget, it seems like a dream house. BIG mistake. We start moving our things in on Saturday night, and since we are both working, decide to take that Monday off to get fully moved in. Todd goes there Sunday morning and calls me PISSED because someone has broken in and dumped out all the boxes we had brought over, poured a huge bottle of wine all over everything and then proceeded to throw the bottle through the drum kit. Then the bastard{s}take a jug of honey and dump it EVERYWHERE. The sight of honey makes me shudder now. So, if you think that was bad, it was already a disaster because of the mess the former renter. aka my coworker left for us. He had told me there was "only a few bags and things" that needed to be thrown away. He hadn't told me there was probably more like twenty five bags of trash, the place probably hadn't been vacuumed, swept, scrubbed ANYTHING in at LEAST month. It was repulsive. So I mean it's not like I didn't have enough shit to do without this vandalism. The cops come out and don't give a shit of course. So, I think to myself, never EVER rent somewhere without having a little looksie first. I have never done that before, but the jerk I work with seemed pretty clean cut and what not and I totally didn't expect it to be left in this sort of condition. I know hat you're thinking, could it get any worse? Oh yes. Yes it can. So after that fiasco, we get everything moved in with about a million and a half trips in the Kia and my Dad's truck. We turn on the water and...nothing. They must have just cut it off. Guess what else. It's the day before Mardi Gras. The water company is closed. We brainstorm for a bit and call the emergency line and to my surprise, they come and turn it on. They do, however, inform us that there is a mandatory $60 emergency fee that must be paid by 12 noon on the next day the offices are open. No problem. I call work and tell them I'll be late, and head downtown to the water company. After waiting in line a good twenty minutes, it's finally my turn. But OH NO they can't accept my mula without proof of residency, aka a lease. Problem is, I haven't signed a lease yet. The secretary who handles all that wanted us to wait until that following Friday. They say, well just call her and see if she'll fax over something. If only it were that easy. I call her and the phone makes this weird noise. Sounds like a fax. I know the number is right so I just sit there, unsure on what to do. I call work and say I'll be more that a little late. I ponder over my plight for a while and it comes to to call the landlord. Funny thing is, he has no clue who I am, that I've rented the house, that it was vandalized {although I did report that fact to his secretary who said she would tell him} After we get it all straightened out, he says he'll get in touch with her for me. We hang up and I'm not sure if SHE will call ME or what. i wait another fifteen minutes and finally she calls, we get it all straightened out and she faxes over what the water company needs...after I wait in line again, of course. That's all for now but don't worry, PLENTY more stories to tell on the following days and the fiasco with Comcast Cable and Internet, as well as the demise of my career at SKCO Automotive. Stay tuned.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Why I hate my car.
First of all, let me say that I am grateful to even have a vehicle, but here lately I have wanted to drive it off a cliff and get it over with. Let me count the ways:
1. Windshield busted all to shit {thanks to previous owner crazy ex boyfriend...lovely.}
2. The engine mounts need to be replaced. Which means it shakes and used to only do it when stopped at a traffic light/stop sign, etc. Now it does it all the time. It first I thought,{jokingly}hey... a cheap thrill!!! Yeah not so much.
3.It has more dents than a can at a recycling center {once again, thank you so so much ex-boyfriend}
4.The hooker who had it before me either got in a wreck and spilled a soda everywhere or one of her bratty kids sprayed it all over the ceiling of the car {think of when a race car driver wins the cup and the spray the champagne everywhere and all over it in your head???? K.} Now picture this: THE FUCKING SHIT WONT' COME OUT!!! Tried Greased Lightning, Clorox wipes, you name it. That shit will still be here when the dust from a mushroom cloud settles.
1. Windshield busted all to shit {thanks to previous owner crazy ex boyfriend...lovely.}
2. The engine mounts need to be replaced. Which means it shakes and used to only do it when stopped at a traffic light/stop sign, etc. Now it does it all the time. It first I thought,{jokingly}hey... a cheap thrill!!! Yeah not so much.
3.It has more dents than a can at a recycling center {once again, thank you so so much ex-boyfriend}
4.The hooker who had it before me either got in a wreck and spilled a soda everywhere or one of her bratty kids sprayed it all over the ceiling of the car {think of when a race car driver wins the cup and the spray the champagne everywhere and all over it in your head???? K.} Now picture this: THE FUCKING SHIT WONT' COME OUT!!! Tried Greased Lightning, Clorox wipes, you name it. That shit will still be here when the dust from a mushroom cloud settles.
Monday, January 14, 2008
So here I am...looking like a fool. Todd and I are back together yet again...I swear it's like some bad soap opera. I don't know, although he really fucked up everything tells me that I should let him try to change this time, not ME try to change HIM. He says that if what happened doesn't make him change then nothing ever will. I could see that. All I know is I am crossing my fingers for him and for us and our life together. God knows that if he does screw up again, then that's it. Do me wrong once, shame on me wrong twice....well, that's a shame on me. But not trying to blurt out all my bidness' on the world wide web or anything.....just thought I'd give an update in case anyone out there is listening. I think these blog things are really moer for ones' self than others. I mean how often do you read other people's blogs....and if you do, do you find yourself really giving a shit what they are saying? Could be just me. I am so depressed right now and a bit landlords admitted that they were gonna jack the rent up come lease renewal time and lord knows we can't swing it. Hence my depression. I have come to love this home {who wouldn't? I mean, have you SEEN this place? Unfriggen believable} So my take on teh subject is, let's move while we have some cash flow from the tax refund {spoken like a true Walmart shoppin', gun totin', whiskey drinkin' redneck, huh? Well, this is Alabama so fuck you. Or um...when in Rome might suit your fancy a bit more} Todd thinks we should wait until June but what does he know...he's a man.
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