Saturday, August 8, 2009

You pierced your WHAT?

I finally did it! I have wanted a tragus piercing since I was probably 12 years old. I was driving past the local tat shop/piercing booth and thought to myself "Why not me? Why not today?."Haha, ten bucks for whoever knows where that line is from. So I called them up and talked to the owner, who happens to be a friend of a friend. I ask about pricing and bringing my kid and he says all is cool. So off we go, down the yellow brick road. I lay on the piercing chair and already Gracie is not feelin' it. I asked her if she remember getting her ears pierced, and how lovely they look now. She still isn't liking things-probably she can sense my anxiety. After about ten minutes, I am good to go and lovin' life. They look super cute and I am happy with my decision to just go for it. I have heard it was fairly painful, but I wasn't expecting what it felt like at all. I have 8 other piercings, but I can safely say these two bad boys hurt the worst. I think part of what makes it so painful is how slow he went. You have to be very careful, otherwise you could also pierce through the clonch. I watched a few YouTube vids of others getting pierced and saw why mine took so long. About 90% of the piercers shown used forceps, and also had a hollow tube in which to slide it into, making for a quicker procedure. I wonder why my guy didn't use those. It doesn't' matter now, who cares how they do it as long as everything is sterile and my ears don't rot off, right?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Made in America

It's back to school and retail stores are pushing it big time. Bright colors are "it" this year, and that's just fine with me, considering I LOVE LOVE LOVE orange. The brighter the better. You know, construction sign orange. So as I flip through this week's Walmart circular, I spot a super cute orange coffeemaker that also includes an iron and a toaster. Not that I need the other two, but that's not the point. It's an ORANGE coffeemaker!!! And it just so happens I'm in the market. {Mostly because I noticed Walmart is now selling Dunkin Donuts coffee and their french vanilla is the shiz-Christy the domestic goddess turned me on a while back.} I check my bank account yesterday am and notice my WV income tax refund has FINALLY found its way home. Woohoo!!! Hold on orange coffeemaker, I am coming to rescue you from retail hell!!! After I get home last night and get Gracie in the bed, I set about the task of opening the box which contains my new found treasure, only to be extremely disappointed in the product. The thing is crap!!! I am returning it pronto as soon as I take a lunch today. I am heartbroken. So I found a Mr Coffee Programmable maker for 19.88, less than el junko and then some. Wish me luck!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Insert witty subject here

I haven't written in a while, sorry gals. I think I have decided that there are two kinds of people in life: the writer and the reader. I know for sure that I am a reader. I would much rather escape my own thoughts for a while and concentrate on someone else's problems/drama for a while. Call me crazy. Some people say that writing their feelings down on paper helps them deal with things a tad bit easier. For me, it just makes me think about shit more and more and get things stirred up that are best left alone. So instead of writing about my life, I think that I will write on things a little less heavy. Maybe the weather. Maybe politics. Ha! Kidding. I won't even pretend like I know what I am talking about on that particular note. The weather is nice today, finally dry after a lengthy wet spell. Not that I mind it, I rather enjoy rain. Especially if I don't have time to catch a shower ;)