So after careful consideration, I thought I'd try my hand at the whole blogging thing. Not that I have anything interesting to say, or that anyone might even take the time to read my ramblings.....but what the hell. Fuck it right? What else do I have to do? I have found that it's easier to sort out your feelings by writing them I'm a virgo and I tend to analyze every little thing so...back to justifying what I'm doing here.. Gracie is asleep so this is my free time. Granted, I should be cleaning this pigsty {"Should" being the operative word}
Okay now what? It's funny how the mind works. Five minutes ago, I had tons of ideas floating around in that sad excuse for a brain of mine, and now it's gone blank. Guess I'll start with the basics. I'm Amanda, aka FatBitchwithRedHair. I don't think I'm THAT huge, but my ass is out of this world. Like, it has its own zipcode. Speaking of fat, I seriously need to get motivated to start exercising. You'd think all the motivation I'd need would be riding on 22's. If you don't get it, I ain't tellin' ya ;) Forget eating's too short for that crap. I have no discipline...which is where my blog name came from...remember that song by Silverchair where the lyrics go: "fat boy, wait 'til tomorrow?" Me in a nutshell. I used to look pretty good, but that's before I popped out two kids {yes I am STILL using that as an excuse, mrs. magoo!} I live in a nice, flat neighborhood, I have a stroller, and a kid to sit in it. I really should walk around the 'hood while it's so hot outside and sweat some of this lard off my body.....ahem, anyway {remember what I was saying about me being pro-procrastination?}...I would like to take the time to also tell you about my family. I have a 5 year old named Ivy who lives in NC. Once again, if ya don't get it....don't ask. I have a baby girl named Gracie and she is what keeps me going. She turned one year old in July and has mastered the art of walking a few months ago, and has now proceeded to destroy my house. But that's okay. More about the kiddos later. Trust me, by the tiem it's all said and done you'll be tired of hearing about them. Todd is my significant other. Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky to find someone who works a steady job, helps me clean, takes the very best care of Gracie.....and then sometimes I wish murder had no consequence. Just kidding. More from the dark, sometimes a little crazy place that is my mind...
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