Wednesday, October 31, 2007

HaPpY hAlLoWeEn!!!!!!!!

What a crazy day. My radiator is busted and my poor Kia is falling apart. Lucky for me, I work at a car dealership and I can get the work done NOW and pay Later.........sah-weet. Gracie had a little Halloween Party at her Moms Day Out school and it was neat-o. All the lil' chitlins got dressed up in their costumes and paraded around the school for us proud parents {camcorders and digicams on hand, of course} .Gracie was BY FAR the cutest {of COURSE she was}. There was 4 OTHER FREAKIN' TINKERBELLS there....she was the "Tink"est in my humble opinion. Then tonight we went trick or treating. Or rather, we pushed Gracie around in her stroller and then Todd and I knocked on about a gazillion doors and said TRICK OR TREAT, while Gracie just sat there {looking cute, of course} Can't say we didn't try though....have been practicing with her to say "Trick or Treat" but she wasn't feelin' it tonight {of course} Well, I am off to bed {hope I can get some sleep with all this sugar running through my veins.....who says the kids have all the fun?} Good night........

Sunday, October 21, 2007

This time last year........

Wow. This time last year, we took Gracie to the Greater Gulf State Fair...she slept in her stroller the whole time. Then again, she WAS only three months old. This time around, she is 15 months old and she really wasn't all that impressed. I took her on the Ferris Wheel and Todd took her on these little trucks..she was like yeah,...whatever, when do we eat? HAHA. Oh yeah she DID like the Carousel, though. I just can't believe how big and smart she is. I took lotsa pictures and video'd everything, too. I can't wait til next year so I can see how different she is.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Movin' On Up!

I am so stoked right now. I got a car this week...a 2000 Kia Sephia for 800 bucks! And it actually runs!!! AND....{drumroll, please..........IT'S LEGAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!} Let's just say I have had one heck of a time with the Alabama DMV and it's a big relief to drive around and not worry about getting pulled. AND.......if you were wondering why I haven't posted lately, my loaner tower bit the dust. That's what happens when you watch too much porn....haha. But now I have a kick ass, SUPER expensive pc. Not because it's the best on the market...but because me and Todd, in all our infinite wisdom, went to a rent-to-own place and are now getting royally screwed. But, I am not going to burst my own bubble....after about six months of still making payments, THEN you can poke fun at me. And I at myself. But for now...I shall marvel in all my cd/dvd burning glory, high-speed internet, and all the porno my little heart desires.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

When I get old and sickly, be a dear and pull the plug.

Started my new job-by today. Wasn't half-bad, actually. I work for a company that scans and microfiche medical records and the like. My part in the whole she-bang is prepping the documents. {Remove staples, repair tears, make sure all the record numbers match up, separate, blah blah blah...} Which means that I go through piles and piles of personal information from different doctors offices and hospitals about people all over the state, and even in Mississippi and Louisiana. Those stacks can get pretty thick. I have seen a lot of scary shit today that can go wrong with your body, and god help me....if that happens...someone pull a Dr. Kevorkian.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Baby Suri, eat your heart out!

Seems like just yesterday I was preggo with Gracie. Today I got to thinking how far she's come since she was swaddled in that tiny pink blanket. We walked to the neighbors house today. "We" meaning, me AND Gracie. She was so tickled to go so far by herself, little pink sneakers pounding along the pavement with every step.. It was pretty amusing actually...she kept trying to turn around and go the other way, and go up people's driveways {we live in the burbs}. I am so proud of her and the little person she's becoming. She has the best personality {that is, when her teeth aren't bugging her...she can be a handful then! I swear to God the terrible two's hit her now, at fourteen months old...} People driving by kept smiling at her...can't really blame them, seeing as how she was looking especially adorable in super cute pink camo sunglasses that are somewhat cateye-shaped. She looked like a movie star...