Wednesday, October 31, 2007

HaPpY hAlLoWeEn!!!!!!!!

What a crazy day. My radiator is busted and my poor Kia is falling apart. Lucky for me, I work at a car dealership and I can get the work done NOW and pay Later.........sah-weet. Gracie had a little Halloween Party at her Moms Day Out school and it was neat-o. All the lil' chitlins got dressed up in their costumes and paraded around the school for us proud parents {camcorders and digicams on hand, of course} .Gracie was BY FAR the cutest {of COURSE she was}. There was 4 OTHER FREAKIN' TINKERBELLS there....she was the "Tink"est in my humble opinion. Then tonight we went trick or treating. Or rather, we pushed Gracie around in her stroller and then Todd and I knocked on about a gazillion doors and said TRICK OR TREAT, while Gracie just sat there {looking cute, of course} Can't say we didn't try though....have been practicing with her to say "Trick or Treat" but she wasn't feelin' it tonight {of course} Well, I am off to bed {hope I can get some sleep with all this sugar running through my veins.....who says the kids have all the fun?} Good night........

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